Blogging from Elsewhere
So now I have been instructed in the fine art of textfiling in the interest of keeping myself from losing stuff like I did again today on the blogger draft with autosave, and like I always do when I get timed-out on the email. The internet is down here at Betsy's temorarily so the WTIP birthday party can go on, so my Beautyway Blog (not yet so named) is not available on Blogger so the Q&A and blurbs now recomposed are not available.
As the Old Man used to say at the dinner table, "only topics of general interest."Doesn't that leave you wondering what it means? I wonder what all this email, social networking, and blogging does to the art of conversation. I wonder what the TeeVee and the telephone did to it before those came along. I know it took text messaging to feel like I was actually having equal exchange with my 18 year-old, from Askov last weekend. Maybe it was just time...It is odd how he can't stand to eat a meal with me.